Top Ten Reasons Why You Shouldn't Make Fun of Homosexuals

The Top Ten
1 It's offensive

Gay should stop being used as slang for bad.

2 It's actually natural

Animals have displayed it, too.

3 Whether you like it or not, people will be gay, lesbian, etc.
4 They didn't choose to be homosexual
5 It isn't a thing to make fun of someone about

Something better would be if they wear shirts of hitler, etc.

6 It's offensive to people with trouble in gender identity

Even though this is irrelevant, there is definitely more than two genders. So just stop being close minded and accept people.

What? Gender and sexual orientation are unrelated.

This doesn't apply to all homosexuals, but transgender specifically.

7 The bible says "Love the sinner, hate the sin"

The Bible also had a talking Snake it was not Satan it was a talking Snake.
What was the fruit? Why did Adam and Eve not know what bad was?
All the incest around Adam and Eve time.
Humans could live to like 900 years of age in the Bible.
Rain made the first rainbow. Not God.
A 600 year old man could build a wooden boat and find all of the animals on the planet two of all of them. How did the human race come back?
A man could live in a whale yes a whale not a giant fish.
What other Gods? When he said not to worship others, who where they in the Bible the false ones.
You are reading a book of lies.
Close your eyes and try to listen for God and you will hear nothing.
You can then accept that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality or anything as long as your not breaking the law.

8 Homosexuals are people too
9 It gives you no benefit (aka it's pointless)
10 Several great celebrities are homosexual
The Contenders
11 It's annoying

I keep on hearing people making fun of gay people and mostly say "eww you're gay" or "gay people are disgusting" and it's so annoying because a lot of lgbt homosexual people I know are really nice.

12 It's a fascist idea

If you live in a democracy, it's very unlikely that they'll execute homosexuals. If you're a fascist, how about you see the trouble in North Korea.

13 People can love who they want
14 It's immature
15 They're literally not hurting anyone
16 They’re as normal as everyone else
17 It's outdated
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