Top Ten Best Things for a Bumper Sticker to Say After the Line "If You Can Read This..."

The Top Ten
1 If you can read this... BACK THE F&%K OFF
2 If you can read this... you're in shooting range
3 If you can read this... you passed the second grade
4 If you can read this... prepare for a brake check
5 If you can read this... you're a cop

Because your going very fast /speeding

6 If you can read this... you're a friggin genius
7 If you can read this... prepare for me to flip you off
8 If you can read this... you are human
9 If you can read this... you have eyes
10 If you can read this... you're awesome!
The Contenders
11 If you can read this - the next 78 words are samples of Clanger-whistling.
12 If you can read this… you can read!
13 If you can read this… you're way too close, stand back a bit. No, I'm serious, Annette.
14 If you can read this… you're way too close. Stand back a bit. No, really, I'm serious. Stand back!
15 If you can read this... you're so close, you might as well get in!
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