Top Ten Funniest Hospital Signs

The Top Ten
1 Family Planning Advice: Use Rear Entrance.

Haha! Yes! I remember it well. You are most welcome. Excellent list by the way, old chap!

I believe Britgirl showed me this one previously. THANK YOU!

2 Maternity Ward: Push. Push! PUSH!
3 In case of emergency, please go to the next emergency room!
4 Do not enter the minors.
5 "Female Changing →", "Viewing Balcony ↑"
6 This is not Burger King. You don't get it your way, you get it my way or you don't get the damn thing.

This is a really dumb sign... for a hospital...

7 (Upside-Down Sign) "Visual Disorders →"
8 Please call the nurse when you want to get off.
9 Reach out and touch someone. Donate to children's hospital.

This must've been a Michael Jackson run hospital

Think about this one. Just... think.

10 (Animal Hospital) The only balls your dog needs are the ones he fetches.
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